Italian Republic
Italy, the Centre of Excellence’s Framework Nation, participates with all the four Services of the Armed Forces: Army, Navy, Air Force and the Carabinieri Corps. The latter being the leading Service for the Centre.
On 4th May 1861, by a Decree of the Minister Fanti, the Sardinian Army, was named Italian Army after having absorbed several pre-unitary armies. The history of the Italian Army, however, has much older roots encompassing those of the pre-unitary armies that have contributed to it.
On 18 April 1659, for instance, the Duke Carlo Emanuele II di Savoia, needing ready to deploy and trained soldiers, made a call for recruitment to fill the ranks of a 1.200 men unit of his Sardinian-Piedmontese Army named “Regiment of Guards”.
This event made the passage from militias of fortune to permanent units. The “Regiment of Guards” was then the first European permanent military unit, precursor of the current professional armies.
1990 – 2004
The Army starts to recruit also volunteers besides conscripts and, starting in 2000 women start joining the ranks of the Armes Forces.
2004 onwards
With the suspension of the obligatory military service, the Army continued a process of restructuring and rationalization, which enabled a strong reduction in terms of numbers and a new and more agile structure and concept of employment.